Crush: Of A Kind

I honestly don't really remember how I became acquainted with Of A Kind... I just know that it was during early summer days and that I fell in love wholeheartedly.

Of A Kind is a start up company of sorts formed by two friends, Claire Mazur and Erica Cerulo, that showcases emerging independent designers. The premise is that these designers make special pieces, a certain number of a kind (get it?!), and they are then sold amidst a sea of specially curated pieces. The website's clean design aesthetic and beautiful photography speak to the quality of business and product that Mazur and Cerulo stand behind. Each designer is given their own spotlight and place to tell their story, both professionally and personally.

The appeal of handmade, often organic, and high end goods, and the fact that my money can go straight to supporting emerging talent spoke to me in volumes. The discovery of such a magical place online coincided with the first time in my life I was actually making enough money that I could invest in quality pieces. And invest I did!

                                          Photo cred: Jamie Beck for Of A Kind

Ahhhhh..... the Flea Bags riding clutch. As I write this, it sits on the table to the left of me. It's safe to say I have carried my iPad around in this bag just about every day since it arrived at my PO Box back in June. The vegan-tanned leather darkens in color with time (well, and with dirt and coffee stains). I liked the premise that eventually each of these bags would be slightly different, based on the lives of each owner, in turn telling a unique story 50 times over.

(On a side note: Flea Bags is an absolutely fantastic company  If you want quality, casual leather goods, look no further.)

That's what I think makes Of A Kind so special, its ability to tell its designers stories, as well as to weave them in to that of a company's and then of customers. They also keep surprising me; not only do they offer apparel and jewelry, but they have begun dipping their feet in to other lifestyle accessories. I am currently madly swooning over the Windsor camera bag.

Keep it coming, Of A Kind.


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