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Powerful Vulnerability

Equipment's Spring 2016 campaign is a series of monochrome images featuring a very natural looking Kate Moss and Daria Werbowy, shot by Werbowy herself. I've written about Werbowy's work before , so I was excited to see this latest campaign for several reasons. This work puts Werbowy behind the lens, looking not just at herself but at another; telling a story, but playing an active role not only in its creation but in its execution. Werbowy's character in this series of photos is clad only in a pair of cotton underwear and is often not the central focus of the images. Her lack of clothing insinuates, perhaps, a wish to disappear. Viewed against a tree or against a sandy beach, her skin in these compositions begins to blend in to the natural environment. Tall, brunette and devoid of any significant fashionable attire, Werbowy's character serves as a foil to Moss's petite, Equipment-draped frame. Her face is often turned from the camera or obscured, causing Mo...

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